Protecting You from COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer,
These are trying times, but we will get through them together.
We are considered an “Essential Business” and will remain Open for Business during the Shelter in Place. Travel to and from an “Essential Business” is considered “Essential Travel” and exempt from Shelter in Place restrictions, except for Social Distancing which remains in force at all times per Section 10 of the March 16th, 2020 Order of the County Health Officer to Shelter in Place. At Oceanworks & Oceanworks Berkeley we closely follow local, state and federal governments’ guidelines to ensure each other’s safety and minimize the spread of the Coronavirus.
We are following CDC and County Department of Health guidelines to protect you, our employees, and the public in general, and are taking steps that include, but are not limited to:
- Suspension of “Waiting” appointments.
- When in a vehicle, staff continues to wear gloves.
- Our staff will continue to consistently wash all areas of service shop and offices.
- We follow Social Distancing rules.
- Our staff will stay home if sick.
- We continue to wash hands frequently for at least 30 seconds.
We encourage “touchless” vehicle drop off – drop off your vehicle before we open, or after hours. We will accept over-the-phone credit card payments. If you have questions or want to setup an appointment, give us a call.